Jewellery Workshops

2021 started with a bit of mess and destruction...!

But, it's when there is mess and destruction that something beautiful usually comes from it (think: cleaning out your kitchen cupboards!).

We hit the landlord up to use one of the storerooms in the top story of our building and turned it into the Wide Bay's only Jewellery Studio! 


Before Before..... and ....AfterAfter


Teaching people how to make Jewellery is one of Geoff's passions and one of his great skills also.
Having a place where people can come and experience the wonders of Jewellery Making, led by our Qualified Jeweller Geoff, has been an exciting addition to our business and also our city. 
We were thrilled to be able to host a 'Lizzie Learns' with the Alive Magazine Wide Bay, one afternoon. You can read all about it here - 
If you're interested in hearing more about doing one of our Jewellery Classes, see our Jewellery Workshops section, here...